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Resources During Lockdown/

Links to free/sliding scale online groups, classes, sites, videos and articles that are currently supporting therapists and the wider community during this time

Online Groups, Courses, & Events

Craniosacral Collaborative's Lizette Villaverde and Carolyn Stevens will be hosting a free online discussion on May 22, 5pm BST exploring connecting to the inner workings of our heart, with an interest in emotional and energetic relevance.  Link to be sent out via e-mail so be sure to subscribe to the site at the bottom of the page. 
Free Online Community Settling Meditations- offered by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.
The Legacy Leaders Virtual Summit is hosting a five day free virtual summit of inspiring women uplifting each other.  

Free online talk "An Introduction to Integrated Cranio-Sacral Therapy" with Thomas Attlee, principal of the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy, June 1. E-mail to be sent the link. 


From May 5, 2020, Mia Kalef will be offering a 6 week class covering: The Family Field, Healing Conception Imprints, Healing Implantation Imprints, Healing Discovery Imprints, Healing Birth Imprints, Healing After Birth Imprints. Sliding scale available.

Free Webinar: Nicholas Handoll D.O., F.S.C.C. will speak on a range of subjects in response to questions submitted by participants. Nicholas will be happy to discuss topics such as the development of cranial work and his pioneering teachers, his 50 years of experience working within the cranial field, clinical practice, and morel 


Hay House presents the free You Can Heal Your Life Summit from April 30- May 16.

Sal Batavia will be facilitating positive past life regression group journeys to support the present and moving forward on a sliding scale rate. Contact Sal to confirm dates.
'Monday Morning Mimosa with Michelle' - fun free informative sessions on Facebook Live.  Anatomy, Massage Q&A, BodyMind Coaching tools, guests and social connection.  10AM EST.
'Heart Space' sessions' with Birdie Jane combining the 'listening' awareness of Craniosacral Therapy with Subtle Field Therapy- a number of sessions are being offered pro bono over the coming weeks for those most hard hit financially, or sliding scale for those with imminent financial stress.
Zhineng Qi gong , meditation and Somatic Movement classes with Pawel Wiacek - sliding scale -classes start at £3 , first class free.
“Present for the Soul”, Free 7 Day self-growth program offered by Loren Pocsai BCST working on gaining physical, emotional and mental awareness through various practices.

Websites and Video Links

 Love vs. Virus- Join the 24 hour loving kindness meditation 
Calming Strategies for COVID Crisis- recordings with Sue Scurlock
Abundance with Vernon Frost
What the Embryo Tells Us About Togetherness- Dr. Jaap Van Der Wal
Free Podcasts: Transformational Therapy: Energy Medicine with Bruce Burger, MA, BCPP
Somatic Psychology Hands-On: Clearing Trauma and Emotional Armoring from the Sympathetic NS
Please note that this page is intended to share resources only and is not an endorsement for specific organisations, practitioners or practices. 
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